Saturday, January 5, 2008

Not a whole lot to report today—I spent most of my time reading and commenting on other people’s poems. I had lunch in the market again, and tried the pumpkin flowers on a sope (a thick tortilla with its sides folded up to keep the fillings in. They’re a bit crunchy too, and very good!), which was excellent, and read for a while in the church courtyard.

This afternoon the two other people from my workshop who are staying with my family arrived. Georgiana, from Romania, who’s in a fiction class, and Elva, from Virginia (I think…), who’s doing a class called “The Shape of an Idea” with Magda—I’m not really clear on what this is. Then, this evening, we had the opening reception, and I met the rest of the people in my workshop. It’s always fun to put faces to the poems you’ve been reading… I think it’s going to be an excellent workshop! We found out at dinner that several of us are Aries—Georgiana, me and Brian (who’s in my workshop) have birthdays on the 24th, 25th and 26th of March. Like I said yesterday, the strange connections continue to emerge! Brian was a dancer in NYC, and danced with a group who split off from the Graham company right around the same time (I think…) that Echo (my cousin) stopped dancing with them…. It was a fun dinner!

It was so great to see Carolyn again! She was glowing as ever, and seemed to be everywhere at once. It was also fun to see my friends Brandon and Jeanie again—they both had long journeys and are happy to be here in such an idyllic setting.

Tomorrow we have a lunch with the whole program, and then we’ll break up into groups for workshop info, and to distribute hard copies of our work (we’ve already sent the poems around via email). There’s also supposed to be dancing at a club (probably THE club…) in Tepoztlán, so that should be interesting! I’ll be sure to give a full report…..


Giffen said...

How did I miss the fact that you are in Mexico writing poems with Carolyn, Brandon, and Jeannie?! Why did I not know about this?! Why am I not there?!

Miss you and love you (and love to my other poets, too),


Dyani said...

I don't know love! but we surely would hae loved to have had you along! It was grand. I'll be posting some more updates soon, as I'm now in Cuernavaca for spanish lessons. Hope you're well! love-me