Wednesday, February 13, 2008

They're getting bigger...

Jenne's prediction was, of course, absolutely correct: we have about a million pictures of the cats now. And I finally got around to organizing them! I'll put up a Mexico album soon as well, but for now, you've got the cats!!

In other news, I quit my job! Hooray! I will now be even more sedentary, but I won't have to deal with my dumb boss's ambiguous emails and irritating policies any more. Woo! I'm planning to read all of the books on my shelves, get in shape for biking and do yoga and pilates on a regular basis. We'll see how that goes!


Jenne said...

You forgot the most important thing to do with your free time: hang out with ME! If you're going to quit your job and I'm going to be around longer, clearly we need to spend more time together.

Dyani said...

This is true. I will have to work for the next three weeks, and then Conor and I will be in the east for 3 weeks, but after that, man, we are going to do some sweet shit. =)

(but even so, before this six week stint, we should do stuff on the weekends... maybe Conor and I will come out again, or you guys can drive your sweet car over with bikes and we could ride around the bike loop... the possibilities are endless...)